Fayetteville was blanketed with snow over multiple storms that hit in the middle of February. Then temperatures dropped to the lowest point in the recorded history of Fayetteville, with a record-breaking actual air temperature of -20 at Drake Field in south Fayetteville on Tuesday, Feb. 16.
Although there were some disruptions to power and internet services during this time, students and professors worked through those issues and learning continued because of the remote and hybrid class options available to students during this COVID-19 Pandemic.
Students even took some time to get outside and hit the slopes of The Hill and just enjoy the snowy beauty of campus.

After snow blanketed Fayetteville the temperature reached a record low of -20 one Tuesday morning in February, and as the saying goes that’s not fit for man or beast. But as the days warmed the students couldn’t resist the call of the snow on The Hill. This group of students even brought their dogs out to enjoy some time on a hill across Stadium Drive from Don W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium.

Students used all the slopes on campus and about anything they could find that might slide on the snow – cardboard boxes, plastic swimming pools, chairs. One student even used a skateboard with the wheels removed as a makeshift snowboard on the hill north of Maple Street from Razorback Stadium.

The view of Old Main in the snow is such a beautiful sight. The iconic building always feels like it’s the center of campus, but something about the snow that just sets it apart even more, magnifying its majesty and beauty. The Wild Band of Razorbacks fountain at the stadium is a thing to behold on any day, but when it freezes its unlike anything else on campus. However, it’s not all fun and games and majestic views. So much snow also means so much snow removal, and there were plenty of opportunities for that.