The Student Affairs Bulletin

The Division of Student Affairs at the University of Arkansas

Charles Robinson

Everything looks different during the COVID-19 pandemic and that includes campus operations and programs. Staff in the Division have remained focused on connecting with students and creating programs that engage them, while following the campus guidelines for the health and safety of our community. And while things look different, our students are still getting a well-rounded University of Arkansas experience.

One of those programs that looked very different but was still a success is our traditional Freshman Pep Rally. The award-winning program normally brings 4,000 plus screaming first year students together in the football stadium to learn the songs, cheers and traditions. While that was not possible for health and safety of our campus, the staff in Student Activities created the Arkansas Traditions Pep Rally engaging students live and online through social media.

Something else that has changed during the pandemic is how our University Career Development Center helps students on the path to their first career or graduate school. Normal in-person resume reviews, mock job interviews, and even job fairs have gone virtual. But even in these unprecedented times the staff continues helping students to be successful in preparing for a career. In fact, this year the Center has had a record number of employers sign up to take part in virtual career fairs!

We also have a story for you about the most recent winners of the Henry Woods Student Leadership Award. May 2020 graduates Diane Charles and Jared Pinkerton, who are both now pursuing graduate degrees, earned the award. We have interviews with them and also updates from some of our past Henry Woods Award winners.

And lastly, I am honored about being named Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. I hope this new role leads to greater synergy and collaboration between these two very important divisions, and fosters even greater success for the campus community.

We hope you enjoy the October issue of the University of Arkansas Student Affairs Bulletin.