The Student Affairs Bulletin

The Division of Student Affairs at the University of Arkansas

Melissa Harwood-RomHello. I am Melissa Harwood-Rom, the Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and this is my first column for the Student Affairs Bulletin in this leadership role. And though I am new to this interim position I have been working in the Division of Student Affairs for more than a decade. I started as Senior Associate Dean of Students in 2011, was named Dean of Students in 2013, but have been working for the U of A since 1989.

This is a very exciting time, even when things are still uncertain due to the fluid nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. We welcomed everyone back a few weeks ago and I can’t begin to describe what it means to have the campus come alive. Right before our eyes, students, faculty, and staff moved back in and made our campus a community again.

Bikes, scooters, and skateboards are zooming.  Runners are running.  All the motion and sounds that we’ve been missing are back.  The main difference is that when inside, we are wearing masks because we want to stay here:  together and face to face.

In this September Issue of the Bulletin, we have stories, photos and videos that showcase some of the great programs and services Student Affairs departments create for our students.

A-Week activities take place the week between move-in and the first day of classes. There were many events for students to take part in with each day having a different theme, from Academic Success to Diversity to Wellness to Spirit and Tradition.

Pick One was a new initiative this year designed to get students excited about campus life and to be engaged with a group before coming to campus. We asked them to Pick One and they did in huge numbers!

Our Q&As this issue come from the office of Student Activities. Rosa Floyd is the office manager for Student Activities and has been with that office for 15 years, 18 years total with the U of A. Our student Q&A is with Sergio Lopez, a sophomore Economics major from La Paz, Bolivia, who works in Student Activities’ front office.

And we also have a story and photos from the Division’s All-Call gathering this summer, when the Division staff came together for food, games, comradery, and a little fundraising.

We want to continue being back together, so we must all do our part by wearing a mask, getting vaccinated, and keeping well.  A great year is ahead if we take advantage of this opportunity.

The Student Affairs Team is ready and energized about supporting our students!  Our many services and activities are in full swing.  We want to help every student be successful in the classroom, and we want to see them engaging outside the classroom at lectures, student organization meetings, and dining and UREC facilities. We hope they will choose to volunteer, lead, and find a new passion.  View the beautiful Ozark outdoors from a canoe or a trail.  Be here with us—together.