The Student Affairs Bulletin

The Division of Student Affairs at the University of Arkansas


Emilie Hook

Staff Q & A

Hometown: Bentonville, Arkansas

Title: Arkansas Union Associate Director

Years of Service (UofA): 10 years


  • B.S. Human Environmental Sciences, Concentration in Hospitality Management, Minor: Business Administration, 2010, U of A
  • Graduate Certificate in Project Management, 2019, U of A
  • M.S. Human Environmental Sciences, Concentration in Hospitality Innovation, 2020, U of A. H

How long have you been at the University of Arkansas in Student Affairs? What have you enjoyed most about your time here?

I’ve been in Student Affairs for the entire 10 years that I’ve worked for the University. What I enjoy most is that each year I get to work with a new group of students and, if I am lucky, I get to watch them grow into adulthood over the 4 years they’re with us on campus.

Tell us a little about your role in Student Affairs. What brings you joy in this role?

I oversee the event and meeting spaces in the Union as well as the team that provides the event services to customers using our space. Basically, if there’s something going on in the Union, my team is usually involved. I love that in my role I get to work with people from all over the university. Whether it’s a Registered Student Organization, an academic unit, or one of the university’s community partners, I get to meet so many people and see so many different types of programs.

What is the greatest misconception people have about Student Affairs and how do you break that?

It’s not necessarily a misconception about Student Affairs, but this is one that I think affects my role on campus. Since we are the people managing the facility, sometimes people think we aren’t in tune with the planning side of events. The reality is quite the contrary – everyone on my team has a background in event planning, and most of our student workers are hospitality students studying event coordination. We can be a great resource for those planners out there looking for advice.

What do you like to do with your time outside of the University?

Outside of the University I like to spend time with my husband and two kids, ages 8 and 5, on our little hobby farm. We have fun taking care of our chickens, ducks, dogs, cats, rabbit, and two pigs!

What do you hope students and colleagues will remember about your interactions?

I hope that students and colleagues feel welcomed in my office and that I was able brighten their day.

Is there anything else you would like to add or let our readers know?

Just that I truly love working for the University and the Division of Student Affairs. I know that this year in particular has been difficult and that we’ve all had to think outside of the box, but I’m so grateful to work in a place that values its employees and provides resources and support during hard times.