Antoinette White
Student Q & A
Hometown: Lake Village, Arkansas
Year in School: Second Year
College: J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
Major of Study: English/Journalism: Creative Writing
Tell us something about your academic passions and how those relate to your role in Student Affairs program or department?
Well, I have always been passionate about writing, literature and languages. It came for a desire to represented in the modern media. I see that the Student Affairs programs allow for me to be that representation that I didn’t receive.
What has been your greatest experience outside of the classroom?
The football games have always been a thrill for me. I love the feeling of thousands of students coming together from all walks of life to support our team. It really makes the university feel less disconnected and more family like.
What advice would you give new students about getting involved on campus?
Getting involved on campus can be a new and exciting experience. There are so many different organizations and programs to get involved in. There are a lot of people that are out there that can assist with your personal and academic development. Also, it can be a scary experience because this is something new and different. The best way to get involved is to just do it. There are many organizations and programs that would be happy to have you, but you have to be willing to take that step.
What do you like to do with your time outside of the university?
Outside of the university, I like to spend time with the friends that I met here. There isn’t a day that goes by that I am trying something new with them. I am from a small rural town, so this environment is a great way for me to expand my experiences.
When do you plan to graduate and what is coming next for you?
I plan to graduate in the spring of 2022. I plan to apply for grad school here at the University of Arkansas so that I can further my education.
Is there anything else you would like to add or let our readers know?
The Student Affairs programs are a great way to get involved and network with other people who may help you in the future, but it’s also a great way to expand your skillset and knowledge of yourself. I have learned a lot of weaknesses and strengths I possess that I would have not known before. As a person who came from a rural area, I learned how to navigate spaces I do not know much about. As a first-generation student, I learned how to use that as a tool and not a crutch. As a black woman of color, I learned how to open myself to a history that is not my own.