The Student Affairs Bulletin

The Division of Student Affairs at the University of Arkansas

Ivan Anaya

Ivan Anaya

Student Q & A

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Hometown: Dalhart, TX

Year in School: 1 year Graduate Student

College: College of Education and Health Professions

Major of Study: Masters of Education in Higher Education Student Affairs

Tell us something about your academic passions and how those relate to your role in Student Affairs program or department?

When i graduated high school, I chose to attend Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Tx, 7 hours away from home and it was tough. I had told myself to get involved and keep myself busy that way I wasn’t homesick. I applied and was selected to be a Tarleton Transition Mentor (TTM). That’s when I found out what Student Affairs was. After my 2 years serving in the program, I knew I wanted to do this as a career and give students the same welcoming experience I was given when I first started my collegiate journey.

What has been your greatest experience outside of the classroom?

My greatest experience outside of the classroom was when I decided to apply to be a TTM for a second year and was given the privilege to serve again in a row. This second year I made so many connections with both incoming students and my current peers. I still talk to them daily and consider them my best friends.

What advice would you give new students about getting involved on campus?

Some advice I would give to incoming students is to get involved. I know it can seem intimidating but stepping outside of your comfort zone and getting involved is a great way to grow as an individual.

What do you like to do with your time outside of the university?

When I am not on campus, I like to hang out with friends and try new restaurants around NWA. I also have a small photography business that keeps me busy during the senior season!

When do you plan to graduate and what is coming next for you?

I plan to graduate in May 2024! After graduation, I plan on moving back to Texas and working within a Student Affairs division, specifically within new student programs or Greek life.

Check out Ivan’s First-Gen Story!