Noelle Chesser
Student Q & A
Hometown and state or country: Katy, Texas
Year in School: Senior
Major of Study: Advertising and Public Relations major with a minor in History
Tell us something about your academic passions and how those relate to your role in Student Affairs program or department?
Throughout high school I really enjoyed planning events and being a leader within the various organizations I was a part of. Initially, I was nervous coming into college that it would be difficult to find leadership opportunities on campus for first year students. Within my first semester, I found out about a program called Sophomore Council that was run through the New Student and Family Programs office. I really enjoyed meeting new people and working with other students planning events for A-Week. It expanded my leadership skills, allowed me to make friends with students from all majors and colleges, and helped me work on time management. By planning events for A-Week, I can work on my social media skills and advertising events. This gives me real-life experience for a career that I plan to pursue after college.
What has been your greatest experience outside of the classroom?
My greatest experience that I’ve had outside of the classroom is becoming an Executive Leader for Sophomore Council. Through this leadership role, I lead underclassmen through the process of planning A-Week and Welcome Weeks events, mentor first-year students, and facilitate an environment to foster life-long friendships. This position has also allowed me to get to know a lot of the staff at the university. They have been great mentors to me and are always willing to help me out.
What advice would you give new students about getting involved on campus?
My biggest piece of advice for incoming students about getting involved is to put yourself out there and not be afraid to join new clubs and organizations! Getting involved is the best way to find groups of friends and meet people from all over the world! I would suggest going to different events during A-Week. A lot of clubs and organizations host events or informational booths for students to check out and learn more about all the organizations that the university offers.
What do you like to do with your time outside of the university?
Outside of the classroom, I really enjoy trying out different coffee shops and bakeries with my friends. I love trying new places and figuring out what the best spots to study and hang out are. I also really like to go on walks or runs on the Razorback Greenway. Northwest Arkansas has so many beautiful hiking and walking trails, and I like to utilize them as often as I can. I also really enjoy visiting Crystal Bridges Art Museum and The Momentary in Bentonville. It is always fun to spend the day looking at art with my friends.
When do you plan to graduate and what is coming next for you?
I plan to graduate Spring 2022. After I graduate, I hope to have an internship with either an advertising agency or public relations agency. Later, I would love to work full-time for an advertising agency, helping clients fulfil their goals and make their visions come to life. I really hope to stay in Northwest Arkansas for the first couple years after I graduate.
Is there anything else you would like to add or let our readers know?
My experience at the University of Arkansas has absolutely exceeded my expectations for my college experience. Everyone is so friendly here and there is always something going on for students to get involved in. Putting yourself out there and getting involved is the best way to really get connected with the university.