Tiana Williams
Student Q & A
Pronouns: She/They
Hometown and state or country: Little Rock, Arkansas
Year in School: 3rd Year Graduate Student
College: College of Education and Health Professions
Major of Study: Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Tell us something about your academic passions and how those relate to your role in Student Affairs program or department?
I’m in school to become a counselor and every day I am working in the Wellness and Health Promotion (WHP) Department I am using the skills I have acquired over the years from my counseling program. With my Wellness Coaching clients, I am applying my therapeutic and counseling techniques to the space the enables my clients to engage more openly, freely and feel a sense of safety whether it is in a virtual or in-person setting. Being in the counseling program has truly enabled me to discover who I am and express my authentic self in whatever space I am in. This of course has translated over to my role as a graduate assistant in WHP, as every time I teach, do presentations, outreach on campus or events for our department, I am able to show up authentically and genuinely to the fullest, and that is the same for the therapeutic setting.
What has been your greatest experience outside of the classroom?
I was able to be a book for the Multicultural Center’s Human Library event, a couple of years ago and it was by far the most rewarding, challenging, humbling yet beautiful experiences I’ve got to experience at the University thus far. I was able to tell my story, the story of my wild life to “readers”, who were strangers, and it was heartwarming that they found worth in a strangers story such as mine. That will be an experience that I will never forget, and I will always be thankful for the Multicultural Center for putting on every semester.
What advice would you give new students about getting involved on campus?
There is a club or organization for your passion, and if there is not, you have the power to create one! Do not be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and experience new things, new food, new places and new people. Get registered on Hogsync ASAP so you can see what all this University has to offer in terms of clubs and organizations. If you are active on social media, follow some pages to keep up with events and activities coming up! If you are not on social media, that is okay, be on the lookout for your campus email for the newswire and hogbytes, flyers around campus, chalk signs on the sidewalk and table tents in the food courts in how to get involved in certain areas on campus.
What do you like to do with your time outside of the university?
I love writing poetry and one of my favorite spots on Dickson does an open mic every Monday. I perform my original spoken word poetry at Bugsy’s and it has been such a tremendous confidence booster. I have been able to connect with so many other talented artists around NWA and the United States!
When do you plan to graduate and what is coming next for you?
I plan on finishing up my internship and graduating December 2022. Afterwards, I plan on remaining in NWA for a couple of years working on my LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) credentials and working for my now internship site, Eason Counseling and Associates. After obtaining my LPC, I then hope to move over to the northeast coast to work on becoming a sex educator and therapist and eventually work up to my doctorate.
Is there anything else you would like to add or let our readers know?
If there is anything I could leave you with, it’s don’t be afraid of change. We are at the stage of our lives where we are truly finding ourselves, finding what works, what doesn’t and who doesn’t. We are growing. In this stage we may lose some people and friendships, but we will gain the ones that truly mattered at the end of the day. We will find ourselves and continue to heal and grow as we grow through life. So don’t be afraid of change, y’all, you got this, you were built for this.