Yael Even
Student Q & A
Hometown and state or country: Plano, Texas
Year in School: Sophomore
College: Fulbright Arts & Sciences
Major of Study: Broadcast Journalism & News Editorial Major
Tell us something about your academic passions and how those relate to your role in Student Affairs program or department?
Growing up, I have always loved school. I love it now too. Especially that I get to learn about what I’m passionate about. My favorite part about school is all the connections I get to make. Currently, I serve as the Director of Strategic Media and Collaboration. In short, I’m the liaison between the student media outlets on campus. Though every day I get to create new connections whether it is showing a new student around the newsroom or working with my peers. I love what I do and all the people I have met along the way.
What has been your greatest experience outside of the classroom?
My greatest experience so far would be reporting for UATV. That is how I discovered my love for being on camera and reporting.
What advice would you give new students about getting involved on campus?
Introduce yourself! As soon as I got to campus, I emailed all the student media leaders. Little did I know, it went a long way. I believe in have many passions and hobbies. Campus has so much to offer so take advantage of it. College is all about self-discovery. Put yourself out there and have fun while you’re at it!
What do you like to do with your time outside of the university?
I love to run, try out new restaurants and local coffee shops, write podcasts, call my grandma, travel, and spend time with my friends.
When do you plan to graduate and what is coming next for you?
I graduate in May 2024. The dream is to anchor in the big apple!
Is there anything else you would like to add or let our readers know?
I am a big believer in who you surround yourself with is who you become. Take care of yourself, work towards your dreams and passions, be a good human and everything will fall into place. Also, a red lip is always a good idea!