Callie Malone
Student Q & A
Hometown: Mayflower, Arkansas
Year in School: Senior
College: Walton College of Business
Major of Study: Major in Economics and Minor in Information Systems
Q: Tell us something about your academic passions and how those relate to your role in Student Affairs program or department?
My academic passion focusses mainly on data and finding patterns within the data that tell a story about people and their behavior. Working with R.O.C.K Camp through the years and seeing the assessments as well as hearing face to face feedback puts what I love about patterns and factual data with students and actual experiences that I personally believe help shape the first year in such a large way. Seeing how the work that was put in behind the scenes directly correlate with the positive outcomes and return campers as mentors really just proves that student affairs programs like R.O.C.K. Camp are valuable to students.
Q: What has been your greatest experience outside of the classroom?
Outside of the Classroom my greatest experience has been working in a small business and being able to play a part in their expanding marketing and having input in growing decisions for their business.
Q: What advice would you give new students about getting involved on campus?
My advice would be to go for it and put yourself out there. You never know what program your home might be for the next four years and maybe even beyond that.
Q: What do you like to do with your time outside of the university?
Outside of school I love to go adventuring around the state and finding cool antique shops, and I also spend a lot of time volunteering with my church.
Q: When do you plan to graduate and what is coming next for you?
I am graduating in December of 2019 and then I plan on taking a semester off to work, save money and get married before I start Grad School for student affairs in the fall of 2020!