There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way most things worked over the last several months at the University of Arkansas. And much has been said in the public about students not getting the real “college experience” – those things that students get involved in outside of the classroom. Despite the challenges and changes that COVID brought with it to the college life, students actually have been taking part in in-person activities such as Razorback sporting events, University Recreation clinics and intramural activities, Greek Recruitment, and so much more.
University Housing alone has provided 288 in-person student engagement programs out of 465 total events, including 177 virtual programs, this Fall semester.
One of those events at the beginning of the semester was the traditional “Chocolate Wasted” event, which is an alcohol education program designed to help students make better and more informed choices about alcohol consumption. Spanning the entirety of campus, Chocolate Wasted was held in six separate locations this year. At each location, resident assistants worked tables that were set up with chocolate snacks and flyers. After learning about safer and more responsible drinking habits, the students were given their choice of chocolate and an opportunity to mingle with the other students.
Attending sporting events is a big part of the college experience. And although things have looked different, the Razorback sports teams have continued to compete with student fans in attendance. In addition to home football games in Don W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium, and other outdoor sporting events like Soccer, students had access to a students’ only Red Vs. White Razorback Basketball game, which was also nationally televised.
The Office of Student Activities held 64 events, both in-person and virtual, before Thanksgiving break. Instead of cancelling the award-winning tradition of the Freshman Pep Rally, staff and students figured a way to host the first virtual Razorbacks Traditions Pep Rally conducted from Razorback Stadium. Student Activities also showed movies in the University Theater, held a Halloween event in front of the Arkansas Union, and a drive in viewing of Rocky Horror Picture Show in a University parking lot, just to name a few events.
Students have been trying to get a polling place on campus for several years. And this year despite the pandemic, the Associated Student Government, working with Razorback Athletics and the Washington County Election Commission, hosted the first-ever on-campus early voting center in Bud Walton Arena. More than 2,700 votes were cast in 3 days.

The week before Thanksgiving break, the Associated Student Government through the Office of Student Activities hosted “Snacks with the Razorbacks” on the Arkansas Union Mall. Students had an opportunity to celebrate the awesome year for the Razorback football team with free food, drinks, appearances by spirit squad members, and music from DJ Derrick.
New Student & Family Programs has been providing in-person activities for students since before the semester started. A-Week, which helps incoming first-year students in their transition from high school to college, had some 20 events, including the Beacon Candlelight Ceremony. NSFP also held 19 different in-person and virtual events during Hog Wild Welcome Weeks, the first two weeks of the semester. They also hosted virtual and in-person Help-A-Hog info tables across campus (using volunteers or QR codes) the first two days of the semester to answer questions and to direct students to their next destination. They also hosted three of the traditional Cardinal Nights events on campus, including a Homecoming themed event on Oct. 16.
Greek Life is always a big draw for students, and this year was no exception. Greek Life held Recruitment events for students interested in becoming members of Greek organizations, and welcomed 2,144 new members this Fall to all four councils. Greek Life did not cancel any signature events, and in fact, they hosted more than 200 in-person events between August and November.
University Recreation has been hosting outdoor trips and clinics throughout the Fall semester, as well as holding intramurals, climbing wall sessions, sports club practices and more. UREC facilities have been open 106 days since the beginning of the semester and offered 2,426 program opportunities. They have also kept 325 students employed and paid during the pandemic as well.
Through UREC students have taken part in 320 climbing wall session, 672 bouldering wall sessions, 15 different outdoors trips and clinics, 396 sports club practices, and 97 different intramural games and activities this semester alone.

Social Media Accounts Will Keep You Informed
Get the most up-to-date information about student events and activities by following these Instagram accounts from departments and programs in the Division of Student Affairs!
Stay in the know with what’s happening across campus with the Division of Student Affairs main Instagram account: @students_on_the_hill
Center for Multicultural & Diversity Education @uark_mc
Office of Student Activities @uarkgetinvolved
Center for Community Engagement @uavac
New Student & Family Programs @uarkwelcomeweeks and @uarkcn
University Recreation @urecarkansas
University Housing @uarkhousing
Greek Life @arkansasgreeklife
Veterans Resource & Information Center @uarkstudentvets
University Career Development Center @uark_cdc
The Pat Walker Health Center IG accounts share information on health and wellness including resources for students experiencing mental health issues:
Check out the campus news from a student perspective with Student Media Outlets: