Director: Dr. Rob Stagni
Associate Director: Emilie Hook
Assistant Directors: Nigel York & Lance Grigsby
Number of staff members: 25
Do you have student staff?
16 Information Desk Workers & Special Projects Worker – assist building patrons at three different desks in the Union, engage in planning and training for staff, assist with special projects and development activities
12 Event Operations Assistant, Productions Assistant, Administrative Assistant, and Events Intern – set up rooms, set up audio-visual, consult with meeting room customers on needs, inventory equipment, check facility, perform audits of reservations, run reports and billing
5 Sustainability Operations Assistants & Sustainability Intern – create events and publicity surrounding ARKU sustainability efforts, lead post-consumer waste composting efforts in the Union Food Court, engage with OFS & other offices on campus-wide initiatives, educate building tenants on proper disposal of items, lead Sustainability Sunday volunteer program
Purpose of the department, what does your department do?
The Union exists to serve the University of Arkansas campus as its central hub of activity. The Union is the sole facility that all students, faculty, and staff come through at some point in their time here. We serve as host to thousands of events, activities, meetings, programs, and information tables annually. We keep the facility clean, well-maintained, organized, sustainable, cost-effective, connected to campus, and suited to serve the ever-evolving needs of students and the campus community.

Tell us about your programs and/or signature events.
The Union generally works to support the programs & initiatives of others, and doesn’t do much “programming” ourselves. However, the impact of the facility and staff can be felt in meaningful ways throughout the academic year. Union Day is an annual initiative that turns the building inside-out to help students connect with offices and programs in the facility. During Finals Week, the Union moves to 24/7 operations and provides dedicated study rooms for groups and individuals. We are also a key location for semesterly Help-A-Hog initiatives each January and August.
How are you contributing to the Advancing Student Affairs Strategic Plan?
As the focal point of activity on campus, the Union is the ultimate “place of belonging” for the university. Boasting millions of visitors annually, the facility has something for just about anyone: spaces for engaging and connecting, offices to help promote involvement and leadership, opportunities for learning and growth, and more. The major programs and initiatives within the Division of Student Affairs are housed here, along with several other marquee touchpoints like Orientation, Career Fairs, Awards Banquets, and others. Our staff are well-trained in both their core jobs and different means of assisting students, both day-to-day and in emergencies. We employ students in ten different capacities within our unit and continue to expand and evolve the facility’s services to meet the ever-growing needs of the campus population.
What do you want to brag about?
It’s hard to imagine campus without the Union. Thousands of events, millions of people coming through the doors, looking to connect with programs and resources and services… the impact the Union and the Union team have on campus is near-immeasurable. The Union has managed to expand what it offers and how it operates without matching the needed physical growth of the campus population. The team is dedicated beyond measure, persistent through any literal or metaphorical storm, and always thinking creatively about “what comes next” for our shared responsibility. We are lucky to lead this campus, daily, in such impactful ways.
We have Q&As with Union staff in previous issues if you would like to read more: