Much has changed since our last issue in May. We spent the Summer planning for the new reality of campus life in a pandemic, and then we re-opened campus to students, faculty and staff. On July 1st my role with the University of Arkansas expanded when I was appointed Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Student and Academic Affairs. I’m excited by this opportunity and look forward to the months ahead as we work on student success initiatives.
When we shifted to remote operations in March, we had to pivot quickly and planning immediately began for the future. A Remote Teaching Task Force spent the summer learning about the faculty and student experience from the Spring and developing plans for an enhanced remote learning experience for Fall. University Recreation executed a plan for reopening and began welcoming back clients in July. University Housing spent countless hours developing operations to help ensure the residential experience would be safe. Move-in occurred in August, and while it looked different than in the past, it was a success.
We also had a successful Bid Day and Panhellenic Council Recruitment event. While this event has historically concluded with hundreds of young women and their families at the Greek Theater, that was not possible this year. However, it was a great week and Greek Life added 1,402 women to the Panhellenic Chapters on campus.
Our Question and Answer with a student and staff member in this issue are from folks in the Arkansas Union. Rob Stagni, Union Director, and Emily King, a student employee of the Union, tell us about themselves.
During the summer we held several virtual Forums with key members of the University of Arkansas administration, faculty and staff. These forums addressed a number of issues, from campus preparation for COVID-19, to actions related to campus racial climate. We have a synopsis of the great information discussed in those forums here.
We don’t know exactly what the Fall semester holds for us as we navigate the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 pandemic. But we remain committed to the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff. And we will get through this trying time as Razorbacks Together!